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Community investment policy

Community Investment policy outlines our community investment principles and governs the selection and management of our community investment initiatives. It provides guidance to entities who are seeking to receive support from Almarai. Almarai is committed to communicating openly and transparently to our stakeholders on our community impact, and we report on our community investment initiatives on an annual basis in the Almarai Sustainability Report.

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Human rights Policy

Almarai is dedicated to respecting and protecting the human rights of its employees, workers in its value chain, and members of the communities in which it operates. Almarai requires all employees and stakeholders to fully conform with Almarai’s Human Rights Policy to ensure it achieves its goals and objectives. This policy, supported by the Human Resources Division, will be applied to all business operations and services carried out by Almarai.

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Global anti-bribery and corruption policy

As part of Almarai’s sustainability endeavors for governance and disclosure, the Global Anti-Bribery and Corruption Policy and Procedures has been incorporated into our website. This aligns with one of the SDGs to provide access to justice for all and build an effective, accountable and inclusive platform at all levels of the business.

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Responsible marketing policy

This covers marketing and communications including but not limited to television, radio, outdoor, print, digital including company-owned websites and third-party websites, social media, apps and online games, direct marketing, sponsorships, and all other forms of communication including packaging. This Responsible Marketing Policy is supported and reinforced by the Almarai Executive Leadership Team, overseen, and governed by the Marketing and Communication Teams.

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Energy policy

The purpose of Energy policy is for Almarai to optimize energy use, improve cost-effectiveness and productivity, enhance working conditions, reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and be sustainable. We are committed to responsible energy use and will practice energy efficiency in all operations and processes, wherever it is cost effective to do so.

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Environmental policy

We at Almarai are committed to responsible stewardship of resources in relation to our Activities, Products and Services, without compromising the ‘Quality you can trust” commitment to all Stakeholders. The implementation of internationally recognized principles and global best practices is a part of our mandate to continually improve our environmental performance as a leading food and beverage company.

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Animal Welfare Policy

Almarai is dedicated to safeguarding the health and wellbeing of all animals within its care, as this impacts not only the animal’s quality of life, but also the quality and safety of the food we produce. We believe that implementing internationally recognized principles for animal welfare is part of our license to operate as a leading food and beverage company.

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Ethical sourcing policy

This Ethical Sourcing Policy from Almarai Company (“Almarai”) sets forth the principles and standards we strive to achieve and describes our expectations for supplier adherence. It applies to all suppliers of goods and services, and their associated employees, agents and/or subcontractors, who do business with or on behalf of Almarai (“suppliers”). All suppliers are responsible for ensuring their practices are consistent with the practices herein.

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