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Our approach

Almarai's dedication to sustainability is noticeable through our operations at Fondomonte, our arable farms situated in Argentina and the United States. We prioritize the production of top-quality feed for our dairy herds in Saudi Arabia while upholding sustainable agricultural practices. We implement optimal land-use practices to enhance land productivity on our arable farms and actively pursue regenerative farming practices wherever feasible. These practices contribute to the long-term sustainability of our arable farms by enhancing soil health and vitality, increasing carbon sequestration, and fostering ecological biodiversity. In California, we have implemented a land conservation program, where 15% of the land is left fallow at any given time to support soil regeneration. In Argentina, we conduct regular environmental impact assessments on our alfalfa farms and closely monitor the application of fertilizers and pesticides in compliance with local regulations. Furthermore, we maintain ongoing communication with local environmental regulatory bodies in both countries

Our commitment to sustainable farming practices is evidenced by our investments in irrigation infrastructure. In the United States, we have implemented subsurface drip and pivot irrigation in arable farms in Arizona, while in California, we are lining irrigation canals with concrete to reduce water loss. We also ensure that all canals are gravity fed and require no energy for pumping. We are dedicated to monitoring water use in accordance with local regulations and engaging in ongoing dialogue with local water management authorities.

We have implemented strong bio-security procedures, livestock and poultry flock located on multiple sites to reduce risk, disease control and vaccination program are in place along with screening and quarantine of incoming animals. Professional vet group within the farming division ensure large scale losses do not occur.Our arable farms in the United States are dedicated to sustainability and reducing their carbon footprint.

Sustainability is evident in our operations at Fondomonte, our arable farms located in Argentina and the United States. We see to it that we produce the highest quality feed for our dairy herds in Saudi Arabia, while also adhering to sustainable agricultural practices, as evidenced by our investments in irrigation infrastructure and environmentally friendly practices such as transporting feed by train from our farms to port for shipping, sourcing from hydroelectrically generated power sources and using electric irrigation pumps, among others. Furthermore, we take pride in being SHARPs (Safety & Health Achievement Recognition Program) certified, an accreditation program by OSHA (Occupational Safety and Health Administration), which acknowledges small and medium business employers with exemplary safety and health programs that have utilized OSHA's On-Site Consultation program services.

2023 performance and initiatives

Zero incidents of non-compliance with environmental laws and regulations.

All of our US Sites (Vicksburg in Arizona, Blyth and Calipatria in California) are SHARPs certified for Health and Safety.

Supporting young farmers

We are proud of supporting 4-H (Young Farmers of America), a program initiated by the National Institute of Food and Agriculture within the United States Department of Agriculture. This program is structured to assist young individuals in acquiring expertise and abilities related to agriculture through hands-on projects and activities. Our support plays a vital role in guaranteeing that the upcoming generation of farmers and agricultural experts is well-prepared with the necessary skills and knowledge to thrive in their respective careers. By endorsing 4-H, we contribute to shaping a future filled with skilled and competent professionals in the field of agriculture. We are honored to be involved in this initiative and remain dedicated to ensuring that the succeeding generation of farmers and agricultural experts possesses the essential skills and knowledge for success in their chosen endeavors.

Almarai honored for Obtaining “Saudi G.A.P” Certificate

The Ministry of Environment, Water and Agriculture, honored Almarai Company for obtaining the Saudi Good Agricultural Practices certificate “Saudi G.A.P”. This came during a ceremony held by the National Committee of Poultry Producers of the Council of Saudi Chambers in the presence of His Excellency the Minister on 12 July 2023, to honor the companies that obtained “Saudi G.A.P” certification for applying several standards of good agricultural practices that will contribute to the sustainability of production and provide healthy and safe food to the consumer, as well as enhance consumer confidence in local poultry products.

Progress on our strategic goals and targets

  • Achieved
  • On-track
  • Some progress
  • Limited progress



Enhance sustainable practices on our arable farms by 2025

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